Home :: LG Remote Controls

Want to buy a new LG remote control?

Enter the model number (usually found on the back of the device or in the manual) to find the LG remote control model you need.

Thousands of controls for LG devices in stock
Same/next-day dispatch and FREE 1st class UK delivery
A full 1 year fault guarantee on all remotes
No setup required - just insert batteries
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Please note that some LG remotes come in two versions:

Original - This is identical to the original remote. Unlike some cheaper replicas out there, we only sell genuine controls direct from LG.

Alternative - This is a remote manufactured by "Classic" which is purpose-built for your device. It has all of the same operations of the original but without the same physical look, and works out of the box with no programming required.


About our LG remote controls and range here at Remotes4u - one of the Britain's leading replacement remote suppliers.

LG, founded in 1947 in South Korea, is still one of the big name players in the UK's audio-visual product market. They were there from the beginning with chunky analogue radios and cathode ray tube TVs, but they've now diversified (and modernised) with a massive range of electronic devices - from phones and components to entertainment systems.

However, what they're particularly well known for in the UK today are there televisions, sound systems and disk players where they are undoubtedly a class leader. And when it comes to enjoying them, those LG products definitely need LG remote controls!

Like the devices they manufacture, LG remotes are well known for being user friendly and reliable, which is important when more and more buttons seem to be added every year due to new features. However, even the best remote controls can break or become faulty, which is why we stock a huge range of direct replacements with rapid delivery.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of LG, did you know that this acronym stands for "Lucky-Goldstar"? That's a pub quiz answer right there...

An overview of our LG remote controls

We stock controls for LG for thousands of products both old and new, but offer two types for your perusal. There are the originals, which are genuine direct replacements from the manufacturer itself. There are also alternatives, which are premium, product-specific remotes which do all the same stuff but without any coding or programming at all. Just start clicking.

Either option will give you control once again, whether it's an old system or the latest digital audio-visual devices with smart technology, OLED and UHD - such as their Signature TV, blu-ray player, DVD player and home theatre ranges.

Find yours now

To find yours, just enter the model number of the device into the search box above, and you'll be shown the exact LG remote control you need. It's that simple.

Alternatively, please call if you need any assistance on 01302 361 444, or drop us an e-mail.

Some of the most popular remote controls for LG Remote Controls are below. However, this is a very limited selection, so we recommend that you find yours by entering the model number into the search box above. View all


Largest ranges of Remote Controls

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