Home :: TECHNIKA Remote Controls

Need a new Technika remote control?

Enter the model number (usually found on the back of the device or in the manual) to instantly find the Technika remote control model you require.

Thousands of remotes for Technika devices in stock
Same/next-day dispatch and FREE 1st class UK delivery
A full 1 year guarantee on all remotes
No setup required - just insert batteries
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Note that some Technika remotes come in two versions:

Original - This is the same as the remote you originally received with your appliance. Unlike some cheaper replicas out there, we only sell genuine Technika controls direct from the company.

Alternative - This is a remote made by "Classic" which is purpose-built for your product. It has all of the operational ability of the original but without the same design, and works out of the box with no coding required whatsoever.


More about our Technika range from Remotes4u - one of the UK's largest online retailers of replacement remote controls.

If you have a Technika product, chances are it originated from Tesco, as it's one of their main electronics sub-brands. They're known for being very cost-effective and reliable to boot, but just like any manufacturer out there, the remotes can become lost or develop defects through years of day-to-day use.

Need a replacement? We're here to help

We stock a huge range of Technika remote controls covering the brand's products, including their small and large televisions (from the old to the new), and also their various DVD players, Blu-Ray players, soundbars, Freeview set top boxes and many more aside.

Plus, you have the benefit of multiple options to choose from. For example, we have the original Technika remotes, which are like-for-like replacements for the controller you would have received with the device.

However, there are also alternatives. These are developed by Classic and are specifically made for each model of device so they work from the first button push. They can be more cost-effective than the genuine originals, and some of our customers even say they prefer them due to the more robust construction. The only difference is that they look different, otherwise they function just like the one included with the TV or other AV appliance.

Regardless of which one you choose, they'll both work immediately once batteries are popped in, so you can start controlling your Technika with a brand new remote once again.

How to find your Technika remote control

As we mentioned above, each remote is specific to a device to ensure that it works right off the bat. To find yours, just type the model number of the Technika product into the search box further up. You can then buy it right away online for FREE rapid arrival at your door.

Some of the most popular remote controls for TECHNIKA Remote Controls are below. However, this is a very limited selection, so we recommend that you find yours by entering the model number into the search box above. View all


Largest ranges of Remote Controls

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